The Intranet for Your Business

3 min readAug 14, 2020

The intranet is one of the systems that improve the operation of companies. It is implemented in mature organisations that are focused on their development and growth. Below you will find out why your business and employees will benefit from having an intranet platform.

What is an intranet?

An intranet is a website-like platform built with employees in mind. The overall visual layout may differ, but the purpose remains the same. An intranet system is designed to facilitate efficient communication between the management and employees, manage documentation within the company, introduce business innovations or integrate the team. The extensive possibilities of the intranet tool are used primarily in very large companies and corporations. However, the range of functionalities is so broad that it is an ideal tool for medium and small enterprises also.

Does my business need an intranet?

Are you wondering whether intranet is a tool that will be useful in your company? It is a safe bet to say “yes”. The intranet is an ideal tool that improves the functioning of any company. It is worth to implement the system in companies employing 5–7 people. Of course, the larger the company, the more there are of employees and departments, and the higher the complexity of the activity, the more advantages will be felt by the employees, the director and the HR department.

It is commonly mistakenly believed that an intranet is a platform useful only in large corporations that employ over several thousand employees. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The tool works great for smaller companies also. Currently, thanks to open-source software, the costs of implementing an intranet system are lower and acceptable for most companies.

The advantage of the intranet is its flexibility and wide range of functionalities, thanks to which any company can adapt it to its exact needs.

Is it difficult to handle? The intranet usually does not differ much from logging into a bank or visually similar social networks. You enter your login and password, and an experienced and proven team of developers will make sure that the navigation within the website is intuitive, created in accordance with the client’s needs.

What type of intranet would be perfect for my company?

Before you decide to invest in a professional company intranet, analyse the role it is to play. Investigate the needs of the management, the HR department, but most of all — the employees.

The intranet is of great value to a company as it plays a key role in improving contact and communication between the employee and the employer.

Depending on the nature of the company, its tasks, and supported processes, four basic intranet functions can be pointed out:

  1. Business — includes such possibilities as keeping a project calendar, clients’ data (the current ones, as well as those with whom you have had the opportunity to work in the past), creating various types of reports and much more.
  2. Communication — enables easy and quick communication within a company through, e.g. a chat, thematic or departmental groups, a forum.
  3. Informational — allows you to store information and company documents in one place that can be accessed by everyone.
  4. Organisational — covers administrative and organisational matters concerning all business matters.

This is just a foretaste of the intranet capabilities that a company may put to use. A detailed description of the modules will appear on our blog soon.

If you believe that any of these areas in your company are unorganised and have communication problems, consider solving these problems with the help of an intranet system.


What is the foundation of a conscious and developing enterprise? Good communication. An intranet platform replaces information boards or regular, time-consuming company meetings carried out in companies so far. A corporate intranet is a key tool needed to communicate within the company.

Regardless of the company’s current needs, it is an indispensable tool for any growing business. The intranet is expanding its pillars very fast and offers endless flexible possibilities to grow along with the company.

Starting from the basic information function, gradually incorporating additional modules, until the construction of such a system that would engage employees both at work and in their free time.




Written by Droptica

Solid Open Source solutions for ambitious companies. We design, develop and deliver business web apps changing the status quo with Drupal, Symfony and React.

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